ASRA Conference Charity Appeal (2024)

ASRA will once again be organising a charity raffle at this year's Annual Conference with all proceeds being donated to Aberdeen Cyrenians

Aberdeen Cyrenians is a local charity and social care services provider supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our community. First started by Aberdeen University students as a soup kitchen, Aberdeen Cyrenians now put the needs of North East Scotland's most vulnerable and socially excluded people first — leading at the frontline of service, care and influence for 50+ years.

Aberdeen Cyrenians work continuously to shift perceptions and change the outlook on homelessness and vulnerability in society — the reality often differs drastically from the 'labels' that people use when thinking of those who need support. Not accepting the current perception of homelessness is something that underpins Aberdeen Cyrenians' work and how they communicate. Their approach puts the reality of these situations front and centre.

This reality reminds us that anyone can find themselves in difficulty, and Aberdeen Cyrenians exist to support anyone and everyone — whether they're living on the street, at high financial risk, in an abusive living situation, struggling with mental health issues, struggling with substance addiction or involved in the justice system. Their core values support a mission that prioritises close assistance, unique care and standing steadfastly by people in the midst of their most vulnerable moments. They don't stand in judgement or place themselves above their service users.

It's the passion and integrity of Aberdeen Cyrenians that makes them a formidable force against homelessness, abuse, violence and social exclusion — they make a life-changing difference when working alongside the people who need their support the most.

Aberdeen Cyrenians is a Charity registered in Scotland (SC 014849)

The Charity raffle will take place during the ASRA Conference Dinner with some fantastic prizes kindly donated by our industry colleagues.

We will again be using donation envelopes – notes only please!

We thank you again for your support!

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